IT Security Services

Cybersecurity Management & Consultancy

Many companies have increased their rate of digital adoption since unprecedented global health crisis. However, the increased global privacy regulations coupled with the sophistication and pervasiveness of cybersecurity threats can make Digital Adoption a significant challenge for small, medium, and even large companies.

At SmartBITS, our experienced and qualified professional team will help you identify and mitigate the cyber risk throughout your digital transformation journey. We know that no two companies are the same, and one size does not fit all. We continue to customize solutions that caters to each client's environment in :-

  • Cyber Security Preparedness and Resiliency
  • Data Protection and Privacy
  • Cyber Security Compliance Consultation and Support

Cyber Awareness, Training and Education

SmartBITS understand that our client's business reputation is essential to their sustainable long-term growth strategy. Studies have also shown that insider threats resulting from negligent employees amounted to over 30% of cyber incidents, which could have been prevented or reduced if staff had been adequately trained to recognize and respond appropriately to cybersecurity risks.

Unfortunately, many companies overlook the importance of ensuring that their staff is adequately equipped to protect their customers' trust—this can be affected by their customers' negative perception of their cybersecurity posture. Organizations must employ a holistic approach through awareness training to comply with regulatory requirements. Partner with SmartBITS today! We will train your staff to become a human firewall against cyber threats. At SmartBITS, we:-

  • Create custom-built training solutions for our clients to ensure knowledge retention while creating a cyber-aware culture to reduce the risk of cyber breaches and incidents.
  • Provide convenient on-site or online training to ensure that no matter where your staff is located, they can benefit and help protect your business.

Cyber threats, SmartBITS Free Consultation

Cyber Incident Response and Forensics

Cyber Security Compliance is complete when there is a well-established framework to handle the incident response and digital forensics scenarios. SmartBITS will thoroughly review your environment and prepare a comprehensive cyber incident plan and playbook for your organization. Partner with SmartBITS today! Our team of cyber forensic experts are ready to serve you.

  • Cyber Readiness Planning - We will improve your readiness and response to a breach by providing monthly readiness review, quarterly status review and Cyber Security Awareness Training and Education.
  • Incident Response and Management - We will help you contain the initial impact and minimize the damage using our tried and tested methodologies and expertise.
  • Forensics and Data Recovery - We will get to the root cause of how the incident happened and analyze and follow the digital clues left behind.

  • Find us

    119 Crombie Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C4A6 (CAN)

    48 Fabian Avenue, Sydenham Villa, Spanish Town (JM)

  • Email us

  • Phone Support

    289-671-SBIT (7248)